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Digital biodiversity strategy tool helping you get started on your biodiversity journey.

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Our mission is to enable companies to go head-on with the greatest challenge humankind has ever faced - halting biodiversity loss.

Our product

One digital tool for your biodiversity journey

We make world-class biodiversity consultancy accessible to everyone as a digital tool.

Read more about our solution

Time to act

All companies are facing the same challenges

Growing motivation to take action is slowed down by confusion related to regulation, business relevance and frameworks.

Pressure to act

There is a growing pressure to act coming from regulation, customers and investors.

Disconnected from business

Making the business case to act can seem challenging if you don't know how biodiversity relates to your business.

Complex topic

You know you need to act, but don't know how to start the journey and where to focus your efforts.

Begin now

We help you to get started

We will be your companion through your biodiversity journey and guide you along the way.

What does biodiversity mean for my business?

We help you to understand and get buy-in for biodiversity.

Where should we focus our efforts?

We help you to structure your plan forward.

How do we measure the impact of our actions?

We enable you to do your initial biodiversity materiality assessment and figure out next steps.

We know what to do

Why choose us

The BioWizard is co-developed together with leading European companies. Therefore we understand your situation, pain points and needs.

We are science based

Built with leading biodiversity experts, aligned with future regulation and based on peer reviewed data.

We make the journey easy

We will guide your journey every step of the way with practical templates and built-in recommendations.

We are a community

Connect with your peers and potential collaborators. Leverage the network for ideas and potential co-developments.

About us

Learn more about who we are and our values - meet the BioWizard team!

Read more about us

Get on the waiting list

BioWizard will be launched later in 2023. Sign up for early access and we will reach out to you to plan next steps.