Introducing BioWizard

Built together with European companies, we offer world-class biodiversity consultancy accessible for everyone as a digital tool.

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Step by step

How does it work?

Our digital tool will guide you step by step on your biodiversity journey.



We help you understand what biodiversity means for your company and connect you with other biodiversity trailblazers.


Get started

We guide you through the process of setting focus and building the internal pitch for biodiversity e.g. by providing templates for biodiversity programs & strategy development.



We help you to understand your high-level nature dependencies and impacts on nature.



We support you in taking action by giving recommendations, making it easy for you to aggregate your projects and initiatives, and by giving access to vetted solution partners.



We help you to monitor and report your progress.

We know what to do

Why choose us

The BioWizard is co-developed together with leading European companies. Therefore we understand your situation, pain points and needs.

We are science based

Built with leading biodiversity experts, aligned with future regulation and based on peer reviewed data.

We make the journey easy

We will guide your journey every step of the way with practical templates and built-in recommendations.

We are a community

Connect with your peers and potential collaborators. Leverage the network for ideas and potential co-developments.

Get on the waiting list

BioWizard will be launched later in 2023. Sign up for early access and we will reach out to you to plan next steps.